| *as nice as the stars, violets & lattes*

Posts tagged “psychology

Knowing Your Children from How They Communicate | loveinbalance


Source: Knowing Your Children from How They Communicate | loveinbalance

Key #1 : Communicate Better with Your Partner | loveinbalance



Well, have words like these spoken by you or your partner? After several arguments and debate, whether to decide who’s doing what, who should be responsible for what and how it’s supposed to be done… (before eventually repeating the same end of the conversation again that had not been previously resolved completely). Read more…

Source: Key #1 : Communicate Better with Your Partner | loveinbalance


AYUBlog ini merupakan ruang spesifik mengenai seni di dalam rupa, yang mana bukan sekedar sebagai sebuah gambar, namun lebih kepada bagaimana mendapatkan pemahaman dari perjalanan sang Soul itu sendiri melalui sebuah gambar.

Terdengarnya rumit dan tak masuk akal yaa? 🙂

Padahal tidak serumit yang dipikirkan lho… jauh lebih mudah dipahami bila tanpa keraguan, tapi juga tidak “sesederhana” yang dibayangkan 🙂

Yuk, baca selengkapnya… via ۞ souldrawing.

Subject ID56ISWJA6J15 | ۞ souldrawing

ID56ISWJA6J15Drawn in early 2015. The Subject of drawing is a middle-aged person who is currently active in the education industry. Uniquely different from the other Subjects I had met, the drawing result were more to an outline of dimensional diagram of his/her life journey. The picture above is a postered-edge copy of the original which already been given shadings and numerical identifications for private analysis.

via Subject ID56ISWJA6J15 | ۞ souldrawing.